For years, my daughter refused to try new foods. I remember so many nights at the table struggling to get her to eat something. Anything! While my husband pleaded with her to eat, I wanted to ease up on the pressure. But she still screamed and complained and we were all beyond frustrated. I felt like a total failure as both a mom and a dietitian.
We finally found out that Norah had low iron, which can lead to poor growth and appetite. Digging deeper, we also discovered other underlying reasons for her picky eating. We treated them all. We also stopped putting pressure on her at the dinner table, which made a huge difference in not only having peaceful meals but also raising a child who has a positive relationship with food.
Today, Norah is a healthy, adventurous eater, I’m confident she gets the nutrients she needs, and we’re all more relaxed at mealtime. Now I want to help you find stress-free ways to nourish your kids and feel at peace around the dinner table, too.
I developed Nourish & Flourish based on my experience working 1:1 with clients for the past 16 years as a Registered Dietitian AND on the experience of as a mom of a picky eater.
Investment NEW LOWER PRICE: $497 CAD/$365USD. Full or multi-pay options.
Your health benefits may cover RD services under your child’s name, including costs for this program.
Call your health benefits company to confirm and I can create an individualized payment plan that works with your benefits plan.
During the live training calls, I will help troubleshoot and & provide judgment-free guidance to ensure you have the perfect plan for your family. Learn from and support the other parents going through this with you, too! It can be lonely - but you’re not alone
Easy to implement and fun weekly lessons and practical strategies, so you are armed with all the know-how to support your picky eater for quick wins. Scroll down to see the weekly topics!
It’s good to know other families are also struggling. And it helped me to take a little bit of pressure off of me. I’m not the only one with this (picky eater) and it’s not something that I really did to my kids...
Mel, mom of 3
Jack now has learned to not ask for snacks all day long. We’ve been relaxed at dinner and not pressuring Jack, we are eating family style…. we are seeing big changes ALREADY. Jack has been trying new foods left right and centre with almost no pressure from us. Everything has been changing rapidly.
Kristen, after she started to follow the Division of Responsibility at home with her 2 kids
It was eye-opening, with my 8-year-old how hard it was to even touch some of the foods.
Shannon, after she started thinking about WHY her son was so picky
My 'ah-ha moment' was being able to manage where everything in your mouth and moving things from side to side. I remember thinking ``I wonder if that's a bigger issue`` than we originally thought. My son has been in therapy since he was quite young....we were always told ``Don't worry about the food, that will sort itself out as he gets older.`` Now I think I've just put all these things together.
Jessie, mom of 3 once she started focusing on her son's picky eating
I will enter your child’s food intake over 24 hours (I know every day is pretty much the same at this point!). You will see where your child may be falling short. And how we could fix that to make sure your child is getting the nutrients they need while we work on expanding their food intake.
Share your Food Chaining and Food Explorer plans and progress in the community, and I will review them and provide feedback.
You’ll receive a whole week’s worth of family-friendly recipes, including three meals and three snacks + a grocery list. I won’t guarantee your child will eat everything on this plan, but let them choose and help cook a new recipe or two!
I’m a mom of three kids, a Registered Dietitian with a BSc and MSc in nutrition and have owned First Step Nutrition for 16 years. I’ve helped hundreds of clients with feeding their families. And this is why I created the Nourish & Flourish Program. To help parents like you achieve these results too!
Today my own picky eater is a healthy, adventurous eater, I’m confident she gets the nutrients she needs, and we’re all more relaxed at mealtime. And now I want to help you enjoy time at the table with your family, release the worry, and take your child from picky to peaceful!
Most picky eating programs are for toddlers. This makes sense, as picky eating is a normal developmental phase. But you’ve moved passed the tricks that work for toddlers. Your 12-year-old doesn’t want to feed their stuffed animal purees...
Another difference with Food School is that we work with the whole family. What you learn in Food School takes place within your own home. This can be more effective than working in-office with a therapist, which sometimes just doesn’t translate to progress at home. We will address why your child is a picky eater, which is often ignored and why other strategies don’t work.
You will receive in-depth learning and activities that will positively impact your entire family.
For most of my clients, the answer is yes. Many have $500 per person per year in dietitian services to use.
Call your benefits provider to check that they cover services provided by a dietitian in Alberta, Canada.
The cost of in-person group feeding therapies (if you can find one) is a significantly higher investment of time and money.
Even if you don’t have benefits – what is it worth to you to get rid of short-order cook syndrome, end dinner time battles, and raise your kids to have a healthy relationship with food? Priceless!
Yes, this isn’t a do-it-yourself online course.
You won’t be just a number. There will be a max of 10 families per round, so I can provide you all with lots of love and attention! I will see you live weekly on our calls to help troubleshoot.
You have my expert help and the support of a small group of other parents going through the same struggles as you are.
Nourish & Flourish is designed for children around ages 6-13 who are extremely picky eaters. You can check out my “End Picky Eating” program if you have a younger child.
It can even work for children with autism (who are verbal), pediatric feeding disorder, sensory processing disorder and oral motor challenges. If your child has any of these diagnoses, they may also be working with additional healthcare providers, and this program is a great add-on. Because nutrition is usually pushed to the side and unfortunately forgotten.
As for the parents: it’s not just your child that has to be a good fit. YOU have to be willing to have realistic expectations, put in the work to try new things and believe in your child.
Nourish & Flourish is not for you if you’re unwilling to make changes. I may ask you to do things differently! It may make you nervous, and it requires putting some trust in your child.
Or if your child has anxiety, OCD or ARFID that affects their eating, these are mental health struggles that require treatment by a psychologist.
If you’re still unsure, feel free to email [email protected], and I can help you decide if Nourish & Flourish is a good fit.
Since your child has been a picky eater for years, it will not likely be a quick change. However, one benefit of older picky eaters is they often have some self-motivation (they want to be able to go to camp or eat at a friend’s house!)
I can’t guarantee that your child will eat 15 foods by the end of the program. But I can guarantee that you will:
Live trainings are scheduled at a regular time for 8 weeks.
You can always watch the replays if you can’t make the live calls. And you’re welcome to send me your questions beforehand, and I can address them on the calls.
Kick-off and welcome! Meet your fellow food school students. Parents and kids will create goals for our time together. Parents will complete an assessment and food records, so I can get to know your child and family.
We will set the stage for pre-meal and mealtime routines at your house. This includes timing of meals, “rules” at the table for both parents and children and a pre-meal routine that will help your child come to the table relaxed and ready to eat.
Learn about the red flags for sensory over or under-responsivity, oral motor struggles, low iron, and other underlying issues causing picky eating. This step is often missed, but our behavioural approaches won’t work if these aren’t treated! You will be supported with activities to treat these problems or referred to an appropriate healthcare provider.
The Food Explorer Model is the Sequential Oral Sensory food therapy model for ages 6+, created by Dr. Kay Toomey. This model get kids interested in exploring foods using their senses, as they become “food scientists!” We will create a food explorer plan for your child to help desensitize them to new foods.
Share how those food scientists are doing at home! We will learn how to work the Food Explorer model into day-to-day mealtimes to continue progress with no added time to your day. This week will provide extra “hot seat” Q&A time and troubleshooting.
Any exposure to food (even if not eaten) will help desensitize your child and work towards being comfortable with new foods. We will talk about getting your kiddo involved in food planning, selection and cooking for your family to help get them comfortable around the sights, smells and tastes of different foods.
Food Chaining is a method of feeding therapy that introduces new foods, building off of foods your child already likes. All foods in the chain have just one small change, so are easier to accept and can help your child try new foods. We will create one food chain to try out at home with your child this week!
Where to go from here? You will leave with a plan to continue food school or food chaining in your home, depending on which method of these two methods we have tried has worked best for your child. We will celebrate your successes (big or small!)
Jack now has learned to not ask for snacks all day long. We’ve been relaxed at dinner and not pressuring Jack, we are eating family style…. we are seeing big changes ALREADY. Jack has been trying new foods left right and centre with almost no pressure from us. Everything has been changing rapidly.
Kristen, after she started to follow the Division of Responsibility at home with her 2 kids
It was eye-opening, with my 8-year-old how hard it was to even touch some of the foods.
Shannon, after she started thinking about WHY her son was so picky
It’s good to know other families are also struggling. And it helped me to take a little bit of pressure off of me. I’m not the only one with this (picky eater) and it’s not something that I really did to my kids...
Mel, mom of 3
My 'ah-ha moment' was being able to manage where everything in your mouth and moving things from side to side. I remember thinking ``I wonder if that's a bigger issue`` than we originally thought. My son has been in therapy since he was quite young....we were always told ``Don't worry about the food, that will sort itself out as he gets older.`` Now I think I've just put all these things together.
Jessie, mom of 3 once she started focusing on her son's picky eating
Investment NEW LOWER PRICE! $497 CAD/365 USD. Full or multi-pay options.
Your health benefits may cover RD services under your child’s name, including costs for this program.
Call your health benefits company to confirm and I can create an individualized payment plan that works with your benefits plan.
I want to ensure you have a plan and method that works for your child. I will go above and beyond with support to ensure the plan works!
If you don’t feel confident that you are making progress towards your child trying new foods by the end of the first 4 weeks after fully implementing everything you learned — that means watching every training, asking questions when you’re stuck and sending in your completed worksheets, we will refund your fee (unless you have been reimbursed by insurance of course!)
Thanks for reading this far; I’m so glad you’re here! I know the craziness that can come with feeling exhausted and dealing with a kid whose picky eating has been disrupting your life for years.
You were hoping your child would outgrow the picky eating, but you’re tired of waiting. And you’re worried your picky eater is not getting the nutrition he or she needs. And that is why I’m here to help every step of the way. Nourish & Flourish provides you with the tools and support to teach your child to try new foods so they can get the right nutrients and decrease mealtime stress.
Can’t wait to see you inside…it’s time to Nourish & Flourish! XO
~ Jen