Dinnertime Rescue Program
During your Dinnertime Rescue program, you will get:
Immediate access to my Picky Eaters e-course: to give you a basic understanding of how you can start decreasing the dinner-time battles tonight!
A Nutrition Consultation: in your home, so that I can get to know your family and your struggles or nutrition concerns.
A Kitchen Makeover: We will go through your fridge and pantry so that you can ditch the junk and start fresh with a list of pantry/fridge basics.
Meal Planning Session: We will sit down with your favourite recipes and cookbooks, and I get you started in creating an online system to store your recipes and meal plan. Once it’s set up (this takes some homework on your part, but saves countless hours in the end!), meal planning will be easy.
Resources: I will provide 2 weeks of sample meal plans, a list of pantry basics, quick “emergency” recipes and freezer meals to help give you some new ideas.
Follow-Up: We will touch base by phone or email about a month after our original meeting, to make sure you’re on track.
Note: check your extended health benefits, as many will reimburse RD services.